The Grower interview - Jessica Roberts of Featherstone flowers
Who are you, and where do you grow?
I’m Jessica Roberts of Featherstone Flowers, - which was started with my florist business partner Katie 3 years ago in Oct 21. We are based in West Hampshire and have 4 acres in total, with currently 2.7 in production We grow a big range - 50/50 perennials and annuals. We Sell via our website, and florists can order by the bunch, and glut buckets. In season 50% of our flowers are sold wholesale.
Katie (l) and Jessica (r) by their barn door
What is your season?
Our Season for Wholesale is May to mid September currently, there is an already planted acre of shrubs for foliage for the future, and we are putting in more shelter belt so that we can plant more.
Who’s your ideal customer?
Our ideal customers are Large event florists, within 50 miles of us. They have high volume and larger price events. They are likely to buy 500-1000 stems and know enough about flowers to order specifics by the stem/bunch from the website. They are repeat customers who come several times a month. We can get to know what they like so that we can be guided on what to offer them
What changes have you seen in the last 6 years (since the British flowers book was published) in what florists are buying.
More florists are using British including larger event florists. They are more open to using items that aren’t normally imported. Habits are changing slowly, high import prices may have helped changes. Colour schemes are changing with fashions and a wider range of colours. Plus florists are seeking out flowers.
Jessica and Katie can be found At Featherstone Flowers and @Featherstonewholesale