What’s available from UK flower farmers in January
If you want to use flowers in the winter, one of the best sources of both flower and foliage is the flowering shrub that is Viburnum tinus.
Cornish Wholesaler of British flowers all year round, James Cock of Flowers by Clowance tells us about how he got started, and his thoughts for the future.
Our January photoshoot for book 2 was showing off floral head crowns made with winter beauty. Here’s some of our behind the scenes photos.
What’s available from UK Artisan flower farmers in December
What’s available from UK Artisan flower farmers in November
Philippa Stewart grows Dahlias for selling fresh and dried.
What’s available from UK Artisan flower farmers in October
Jessica Roberts is the growing partner at Featherstone flowers in Hampshire.
The Industry Innovator interview - Hannah from com:post talking about turning floral green waste into compost for farms.